About Us

We rely on technology. It has become an integral part of our daily lives and is how we work, play and keep in touch with our loved ones. However, the industry that drives the advancements that benefit us is also responsible for the invasion of our privacy, planned obsolescence and irreversible damage to our environment.

The goal of Pixels Perfected is to provide alternatives for those who want a device that respects their privacy, is designed to last and is better for the environment. We believe these design fundamentals should be available to all, regardless of technological literacy and experience.

  1. Privacy – We believe everyone has a right to privacy. Major tech companies are increasingly tying invasive applications and services into their core software so they can sell our personal data for profit. Many of these services exist solely for the benefit of greedy conglomerates and serve no benefit for the consumer. Our devices come with open source, privacy focused alternatives that prevent these companies from spying on us.
  2. Functionality – When you spend large amounts of money on a product, you expect that product to last. However, many companies now implement planned obsolescence into their design philosophy, purposely slowing our devices and removing features to try and force us to give them more money just a couple of years later. Pixels Perfected devices come with software that is bloat-free and updated to provide more features, not less, so your device remains as fast as it was on day one. Our user guides give you tips about how to get more out of your device, improving on what the original manufacturer offered.
  3. Sustainability – Electronic waste is a major issue which is unfortunately getting worse as the world’s population grows and companies bombard us with marketing constantly telling us to upgrade. Devices are designed with limited life spans and no end of life plan to reuse the resources that were spent making them. Given the absence of the technology industry’s conscience, we believe that re-using existing devices that are still 100% functioning and keeping them for as long as possible is the best way to counter this. Our devices are all secondhand units and therefore have no further impact on the environment. Our software is chosen with long-term use in mind – we want you to enjoy using your device for as long as possible so you can avoid needlessly upgrading to a brand new device.

Your privacy

We are not interested in your personal data and do not keep records about your activity on this website. The software we install on devices and recommend in guides is chosen with privacy in mind and is open source, where possible. We are not responsible for any invasions of privacy the developers of this software may engage in, however we are confident that the people involved in these projects share the same core beliefs as us. We are here to help if you have any questions about privacy relating to our devices or this website. Although our contact form requires a name and email to ensure reliable communication, you are under no obligation to provide us with one that may personally identify you. We recommend using an email masking service, such as Firefox Relay, when using contact forms and registering for non-essential services online to minimise the risk of data theft and spam. Please note that if your enquiry is in relation to an order, we may require your order number.